Discussing the findings of a massive survey of creative agencies and their clients, actor, coach and business presentation guru Catherine Allison gives advice on how to make business presentations, talks, seminars and online meetings fun, engaging, entertaining and most of all, memorable.

Catherine uses her extensive career in the spotlight to help remove the ‘resent’ from presentations and put the ‘power’ in PowerPoint, the ‘we’ in webinar.

Catherine gives simple tips on how to win pitches through the unspoken and spoken power of communication.

She teaches us how to stand tall, how to imagine our own dragon tail, overcome nerves and deliver powerful messages in person, online and on the phone.

Included totally free-of-charge in this podcast is a simple method of structuring a sales pitch that delivers all the right feels, based on classic Hollywood know-how.

All of us at The Advertist invite you to check out The Fuel Podcast, where we pull on the experience of leaders of companies in a variety of sectors with loads of fantastic interviews, tips and tales.

To check out this episode of the podcast click here.

Get your agency’s new business started with The Advertist.  What do you do when the referrals dry up? Do you think it would be better to make new business part of your weekly routine? All the experts agree and a project in motion, stays in motion. You can take a 2-day free trial of the UK’s leading new #businessdevelopment platform and see for yourself how it can elevate your new business workflow: Daily #newbusiness opportunity news. The UK’s most accurate and comprehensive brand and company contact database. Daily people moves (#moversandshakers). The UK’s ONLY new business #tender alert service. Hot news of investments, VC funding, tech startups, spinouts and MBOs Sector intelligence, market reports, marketing spend, trends and SWOT charts. Take a free trial here: https://www.theadvertist.com/join.aspx

The undeniable link between advertising and entertainment explained by Paul Feldwick, the author of ‘Why Does the Pedlar Sing?’

Paul’s investigation into this subject began a few years ago when he worked in senior planning roles in some of the world’s biggest advertising agencies.

As our focus on metrics and data increases, it seems our understanding of the basic principles of marketing is similarly decreasing.

Since the first time a person sold another person something, we’ve always tried to make it an enjoyable experience and the industry-wide pearl-clutching over the apparent lack of creativity in our profession can be easily explained by an expert of Paul’s calibre.

This is as enjoyable a podcast as I’ve ever done and Paul is a wonderful storyteller. The show was a revelation to me, as it triggered memories of my own childhood and a series of artworks called ‘The Cries of London’.

Join me as I ask Paul – Why does the Pedlar Sing?

All of us at The Advertist invite you to check out The Fuel Podcast, where we pull on the experience of leaders of companies in a variety of sectors with loads of fantastic interviews, tips and tales.

To check out this episode of the podcast click here.

Get your agency’s new business started with The Advertist.  What do you do when the referrals dry up? Do you think it would be better to make new business part of your weekly routine? All the experts agree and a project in motion, stays in motion. You can take a 2-day free trial of the UK’s leading new business development platform and see for yourself how it can elevate your new business workflow: Daily new business opportunity news. The UK’s most accurate and comprehensive brand and company contact database. Daily people moves. The UK’s ONLY new business tender alert service. Hot news of investments, VC funding, tech startups, spinouts and MBOs Sector intelligence, market reports, marketing spend, trends and SWOT charts. Take a free trial here: https://www.theadvertist.com/join.aspx