Female British Entrepreneurs need to behave like American Male founders.

With a change in government in the UK, what initiatives should they focus on to help grow the economy through innovation and entrepreneurship?

We can either tax our way to prosperity or grow our way to success on the world stage.

Or both.

Julie Thompson-Dredge, founder of Frame PR is at the cutting edge of the start-up world and among other duties is responsible for comms for the Made in Britain campaign and she’s passionate about helping founders to develop their start-up’s narrative so they can effectively communicate their marketing messages.

In this show, we discuss the basics of promoting a start-up business, using effective low-budget marketing tools and tricks, and also how to develop a captivating story designed to attract funding.

Key to this discussion is the urgent need to create the right environment for female entrepreneurs to flourish, and how Julie helps British women founders behave like American male entrepreneurs.

A fascinating discussion for anyone interested in the world of start-ups, funding and new economic drivers.

All of us at The Advertist invite you to check out The Fuel Podcast, where we pull on the experience of leaders of companies in a variety of sectors with loads of fantastic interviews, tips and tales.

To check out this episode of the podcast click here.

Get your agency’s #newbusiness started with The Advertist.  What do you do when the referrals dry up? Do you think it would be better to make new business part of your weekly routine? All the experts agree and a project in motion, stays in motion. You can take a 2-day free trial of the UK’s leading new #businessdevelopment platform and see for yourself how it can elevate your new business workflow: Daily #newbusiness opportunity news. The UK’s most accurate and comprehensive brand and company contact #database. Daily #peoplemoves (#moversandshakers). The UK’s ONLY new business #tender alert service. Hot news of investments, VC funding, tech startups, spinouts and MBOs Sector intelligence, market reports, marketing spend, trends and SWOT charts. Take a free trial here: https://www.theadvertist.com/join.aspx

Marketing budgets are increasing, and yet agency spend is decreasing.

Clients want more for less.

This podcast teaches you how to find those efficiencies, using working examples in the retail and B2B sector.

My guest is Mike Veitch, ex-Saatchi & Saatchi New Zealand and a seasoned digital master, whose new company OutcomePath helps companies across all sectors find their online MOJO.

He explains why copying the competition can be one of the easiest mistakes to make; ignoring your organisation’s DNA can become costly and is sometimes fatal. We examine what happened at The Body Shop and how disaster could have been avoided.

Mike also has some wonderful advice for anyone looking to acquire and relaunch the retailer, as well as providing handy tips for measuring your company’s online performance and making sure it matches the offline experience.

All of us at The Advertist invite you to check out The Fuel Podcast, where we pull on the experience of leaders of companies in a variety of sectors with loads of fantastic interviews, tips and tales.

To check out this episode of the podcast click here.

Get your agency’s #newbusiness started with The Advertist.  What do you do when the referrals dry up? Do you think it would be better to make new business part of your weekly routine? All the experts agree and a project in motion, stays in motion. You can take a 2-day free trial of the UK’s leading new #businessdevelopment platform and see for yourself how it can elevate your new business workflow: Daily #newbusiness opportunity news. The UK’s most accurate and comprehensive brand and company contact #database. Daily #peoplemoves (#moversandshakers). The UK’s ONLY new business #tender alert service. Hot news of investments, VC funding, tech startups, spinouts and MBOs Sector intelligence, market reports, marketing spend, trends and SWOT charts. Take a free trial here: https://www.theadvertist.com/join.aspx

In the news: Parkrun and phone boxes that power cars.

Interview with Jayne Noblet of The Collaborators – What does it mean to be a B Corp?

How to obtain B Corp status

B Corp and the Food and Drink industry

How B Corp helps you win new clients

Should B Corp be adopted by the Government?

Missed climate goals and targets

Unilever’s change of purpose strategy

All of us at The Advertist invite you to check out, Linking-In with Keith & Natasha!

To check out this episode click here.

Get your agency’s #newbusiness started with The Advertist.  What do you do when the referrals dry up? Do you think it would be better to make new business part of your weekly routine? All the experts agree and a project in motion, stays in motion. You can take a 2-day free trial of the UK’s leading new #businessdevelopment platform and see for yourself how it can elevate your new business workflow: Daily #newbusiness opportunity news. The UK’s most accurate and comprehensive brand and company contact #database. Daily #peoplemoves (#moversandshakers). The UK’s ONLY new business #tender alert service. Hot news of investments, VC funding, tech startups, spinouts and MBOs Sector intelligence, market reports, marketing spend, trends and SWOT charts. Take a free trial here: https://www.theadvertist.com/join.aspx

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, says the proverb. Never has that been truer than in the case of corporate purpose, the movement that took over the business and advertising world following the financial crisis of 2008.

Nick Asbury, creative writer, corporate purpose critic, poet, songsmith, humorist and author of the new blockbuster book The Road to Hell, discusses his perspective on how the advertising and marketing business became consumed with the idea of doing good to the detriment of everything else.

We cover the wide and varied reactions to the book from the industry, the rights and wrongs of BCorp, Edelman’s Trust Barometer, the link between tobacco & purpose marketing, Paul Feldwick’s superb definition of “creativity”, Nick Cave and AI and how ChatGPT’s creator OpenAI has switched its purpose-driven goals.

All of us at The Advertist invite you to check out The Fuel Podcast, where we pull on the experience of leaders of companies in a variety of sectors with loads of fantastic interviews, tips and tales.

To check out this episode of the podcast click here.

Get your agency’s #newbusiness started with The Advertist.  What do you do when the referrals dry up? Do you think it would be better to make new business part of your weekly routine? All the experts agree and a project in motion, stays in motion. You can take a 2-day free trial of the UK’s leading new #businessdevelopment platform and see for yourself how it can elevate your new business workflow: Daily #newbusiness opportunity news. The UK’s most accurate and comprehensive brand and company contact #database. Daily #peoplemoves (#moversandshakers). The UK’s ONLY new business #tender alert service. Hot news of investments, VC funding, tech startups, spinouts and MBOs Sector intelligence, market reports, marketing spend, trends and SWOT charts. Take a free trial here: https://www.theadvertist.com/join.aspx