Welcome to The Hub, presented by The Advertist – the UK’s first independent resource for agency new business
The Hub is a free resource for all professionals working in the area of new business generation and development. Here you will find highlights of content generated for subscribers to The Advertist – the UK’s first independent resource for agency new business.

The Fuel Podcast - EPISODE 2: PHIL LEWIS
A motivational talk with Phil Lewis, CEO of Corporate Punk who had to change pace rapidly to include advice on how sales and marketing teams and businesses should approach the crisis presented by the Coronavirus. But then, he’s used to handling…

The Fuel Podcast - EPISODE 1: GOIN’ VIRAL
Ch..ch..ch..changes. Everything we knew before to be true has changed, given the news about the Coronavirus.
But there are reasons to be confident that we’ll all come out stronger and better. Keith, managing director of The Advertist shares…

It's all fiction: A look into the future
So much for Marketing. what's in store in 40 years time for the marketing industry? Keith Smith gazes into his crystal ball..

One piece at a time
How to develop a new business pipeline - an interview with one of the best in the business - Alex Kirkpatrick of agency Incite on the process.