Welcome to The Hub, presented by The Advertist – the UK’s first independent resource for agency new business
The Hub is a free resource for all professionals working in the area of new business generation and development. Here you will find highlights of content generated for subscribers to The Advertist – the UK’s first independent resource for agency new business.

Business Development: sales or cultivation or both?
What is the role of a business developer in today's business world?

Don't call me
Finally! The words Rockstar and Keith Smith are all together

Q10 with Henry Oliver of Lansons
Every so often, The Advertist's The Hub will be interviewing leading lights in the world of British new business development, to give readers a back-channel viewpoint of the business and a whiff of the heady aroma of success.
This time around,…

The business of new business
New Business has nothing to do with advertising. New Business is about the chase.
New Business is like chasing a new romance and advertising is like being married.
New Business people love the pursuit.
The appeal of working on…