Welcome to The Hub, presented by The Advertist – the UK’s first independent resource for agency new business
The Hub is a free resource for all professionals working in the area of new business generation and development. Here you will find highlights of content generated for subscribers to The Advertist – the UK’s first independent resource for agency new business.

No one has a crystal ball when it comes to Brexit
Dan Sudron, owner of The Future Factory discusses the issues of new business and Brexit.

Global Grocery sector information
Thinking of selling into the grocery sector - check out the international trend forecast from IGD

Brexit and new business confidence
Keith Smith, owner of The Advertist provides new business perspectives on the challenges posed by Brexit.

Agencies need to prove their value to clients
Brexit has put the cat among the new business pigeons.
Is sitting on your hands really an option or is it best to use the silence to make some noise?

Friday afternoon is for closers
Worried that you're going to interrupt a putt on the green, or that your prospect might be pushing a trolley round Tesco's? Don't be - they love it!

Are you new business ready?
How do you make sure that you keep your business pumped with new client prospects? Keep new business fit with this quick advert