
In a rare interview, Keith Smith Managing Director of The Advertist sits down with business podcaster Seth Goldstein to discuss the world of new business.

The podcast – Entrepreneur’s Enigma – highlights the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey. And, as you’ll discover, working at The Advertist isn’t all laying around in the sun, drinking Margheritas and making phone calls.

Well the phone calls bit is true.

Because The Advertist sits at the epicenter of the UK’s new business community and in this show, Keith explains why the company launched and what lessons he’s learned about generating new business for creative agencies over 15 years of publishing and podcasting.

He also displays an almost unfathomable, yet truly British ignorance of American Football and Super Bowl customs.

Not bad for someone who’s claimed USA as his home for the last 15 years!

Keith’s heart is still truly in the UK’s creative agency world.